The Challenge

Legence Bank’s Customer Base Doubled In Size and Dispute Volume Was Growing Faster Than The Team Could Handle

Legence Bank, a community bank with 13 branches, was using a dispute management tool from a core provider. The process was very manual, involving multiple steps and data entry. Customers needed to visit a branch to submit their dispute using a paper form which was then handed over to the operations team for processing.

The process and customer experience was not ideal. The front line staff was trained on the process, but the complicated nature of dispute intake resulted in missing information. The operations staff would often be missing important intake documentation from the branches. This resulted in the staff going back to the customer to ask for the missing information, a process that was inefficient and frustrating for everyone involved. 

At the time, the bank could still handle the manual process. In August of 2017, the bank doubled in size, acquiring eight more branches in just one week. The increase in disputes combined with the inherent challenges of a largely manual process created a challenge for the team. The solution they had been using from their core provider could no longer support their growing needs. They needed a better option, and fast.

Read the full case study

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